trimalleolar ankle fracture surgery cost in india

Trimalleolar ankle treatment cost in Delhi| Trimalleolar ankle treatment cost in India| Delhi| Mumbai| Gurgaon|

Surgery Name Cost Room-Category Hospitalization
trimalleolar ankle fracture surgery cost in india $3674 Single Patient - 2 days stay in a single room.
Inclusion Exclusion
  1. Room Rent,
  2. Cost of Surgery,
  3. Consultation by Primary Team in Package days,
  4. Basic Investigations.
  5. Routine Pharmacy and Consumables,
  6. Patient Food.
  7. Surgeon’s Fees.
  8. Anesthetist Fee.
  9. Operation Theatre Charges.
  10. Pharmacy Services Charges including Drugs &Medical Consumables

1.Overstay more than package days,
2. Any other Specialty Consultations,
3. Special Equipment,
4. Additional Procedure/Surgery.
5. Blood Components.

Know More About Procedure & Surgery

What is trimalleolar ankle fracture?

trimalleolar ankle fracture surgery cost in indiaThe malleoli are specific parts of the tibia and fibula that form the ankle. These consist of the lateral malleolus, which is at the end of the fibula, the medial malleolus, which is on the inside of the tibia (shinbone), and the posterior malleolus, which is at the back of the tibia.

All three bones are essential for anchoring the ligaments that support movement, control, and stability in the foot and ankle.

As a trimalleolar fracture involves breaks to three bones, doctors consider it more unstable than other fractures, and it may lead to further ligament injury or dislocation.

In this article, we look at how to treat this fracture, how long it takes to recover, and the causes and symptoms of a trimalleolar fracture.

Surgical Treatment

As trimalleolar fractures are often unstable, a doctor will usually recommend surgery as treatment. Each fracture will require a specific repair procedure during the surgery.

Lateral malleolus fracture

Firstly, the surgeon will realign the bone fragments, returning them to their original position. The surgeon will then attach screws and metals plates to the outer surface of the bone to hold them in place. For some people, the surgeon may insert a screw or rod inside the bone to keep the bone fragments together as they heal.

Medial malleolus fracture

Surgery on the medial malleoli can improve the chances of successful healing and allow the person to resume normal movement sooner. Sometimes, a medial malleolus fracture may result in impaction of the ankle joint, which is when force drives one bone into another. When this occurs, a surgeon may need to do a bone graft, which acts as a frame on which new bone can grow. Bone grafting can reduce the risk of arthritis. A surgeon can fix bone fragments using screws, plates, and wiring techniques.

Posterior malleolus fracture

There are different options for surgery on this malleolus. One option involves inserting screws that run from the front to the back of the ankle or the other way around. The other option involves fitting plates and screws along the back of the tibia.

Nonsurgical treatment

While doctors often recommend surgery after a trimalleolar fracture, surgical intervention might not be appropriate for all people. People with serious health problems for whom the risk of surgery would be too significant or those who cannot walk will often receive nonsurgical treatment. Immediate treatment usually involves applying a splint to stabilize the ankle until the swelling reduces. The doctor may then fit a short cast that they replace with smaller casts as the swelling continues to go down. The person will need regular X-rays to ensure the ankle remains stable. A person may not be able to put any weight on their ankle for around 6 weeks. After this time, they may be able to wear a removable brace as the ankle continues to heal.


If the doctor suspects a fracture, they will carry out additional tests to gain more information. Tests include:

  • X-ray: This is the most common way to diagnose a fracture. An X-ray can show any breaks or displacement in a bone. It can also identify how many pieces of broken bone there are in the area of the break.
  • Stress test: This is a special X-ray to check whether surgery is necessary
  • A CT scan: This can help a doctor further evaluate the injury. It is particularly useful if the fracture has extended to the ankle joint.
  • An MRI scan: This test produces high-resolution images of the anklebones and soft tissue. It can also help a doctor evaluate any damage to the ligaments.

ankle fracture surgery cost in india

Causes and Symptoms

A trimalleolar fracture of the ankle often results from a high-impact injury, such as from a sport or car accident. However, a simple trip or fall can also cause the injury. A severe sprain can often feel the same as a break, but the following are common symptoms for a fractured ankle:

  • Immediate and severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness to the touch
  • An inability to put weight on the damaged ankle

The ankle might also appear to be out of place or have a deformity.


If a person has had surgery, they will be unable to put weight on the ankle for some time. The amount of time will depend on several factors, including the stability of the bones and how severely the injury affected the surrounding joints. Often, a person will experience severe swelling around the fracture. This swelling can affect recovery in the following ways:

  • delay further surgery
  • cause blisters on the skin
  • increase the chance of infection
  • Prolong the healing process.

A physical therapy routine will be vital for a full recovery.


Some complications may develop due to ankle fractures. One complication is malunion, in which the bones move during recovery and are out of place after healing. Malunion usually only occurs after nonsurgical treatment. It can make the ankle unstable and may eventually lead to arthritis.

Other complications include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Blood clots in the leg
  • Damage to blood vessels, tendons, or nerves
  • Problems with bone healing, such as non-union, in which the bones do not connect after recovery
  • Arthritis

Frequently Asked Questions

Posterior malleolus (distal posterior aspect of the tibia) another name for a trimalleolar fracture is a cotton fractureTrimalleolar fractures are considered very serious and require urgent orthopedic attention. Treatment may include surgery and wearing a non-weight bearing cast for up to 8 weeks.

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